
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I'm hungry!

While I was looking for the photos for yesterdays post about Diners, I debated posting any more of the photos I took when we were in Las Vegas. My camera broke, went to Costco bought a Nikon camera because the person there said that the Canon Rebel, I had my heart set on was going to be too complicated. I liked the size and features of the Nikon, but the photos were the worst. I have taken better pictures with a disposable camera! I took 600 pictures. Very few were good. Sad, sad, sad.
 Needless to say I returned the camera.
This photo is from my phone, not bad for a phone camera.

This is a burger from Marilyn's Cafe at the Tuscany Suites where we stayed. Burger and fries for $4.95 it was the days special.
Oh, I am hungry for that burger right now.
Maybe I will post more of the food photos from Vegas this week, hope I can salvage some of them.

Just looking at this makes me HUNGRY!


  1. That looks like one tasty burger!

  2. Well, now that you took back the Nikon, you can get the Rebel, haha! That was my first DSLR and it was great. But, I did take worse pictures with it at first, because it wasn't all automatic. I had to learn to tell it what to do. I don't think it was too complicated though, it just took time and practice to learn everything. That burger is making me hungry!

  3. THIS IS AWESOME... that is my favorite meal of all time and that one is making my mouth water! :)

    Be blessed-

  4. You're killing me with all these burgers! I WANT ONE!! Sorry to hear about your camera...can't go wrong with a Canon, I can't believe that guy told you it would be too complicated!! Hope you ended up getting what you wanted :)


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