
Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy 101 Award

I received a
Happy 101

and here are the ten things that make me happy

1. my family
2. my friends
3. delicious food
4. Rob Thomas' music & other music but thought of him first
5. family vacations
6. scrap weekends with the girls
7. blogging
8. good movies
9. junking /thrift store finds
10. potato chips

I will be passing the award on to ten baking bloggers that make me happy.

The sugar crafter

The Rules:
List 10 things that make you happy,
 try to do at least one today.
Then, pass it along to 10 bloggers who
brighten your day.


  1. Thanks so much!! Love these awards and thanks for the list of blogs, hadn't read a few of those ~ I love finding great new (to me) reads!

  2. awww Diane! You are so sweet!! You totally deserve this award!

    I have a feeling I am going to love every single blog on your list... some I already do, but I cant wait to check out the rest!

    Thank you for taking time to spread some love and joy around bloggy land!

  3. congratulations and what a great list of things that make you happy .

  4. Aww, how fun! Thanks for the mention; you are too sweet! :-D

  5. Thanks, Diane for giving me this award. What a pleasure to be thinking of all the things that make me happy!

  6. I am so happy you came to my Round Robin and I met you. Have a great week.

  7. Oh, thank you, Diane! It's been a pleasure getting to know you over the blogs and twitter! :)


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