
Friday, January 15, 2010

Flowers and Shoes?

trying out my new camera today

It's nice to see that there are still a couple flowers blooming in the yard in January

 makes me think spring is just around the corner

Don't know how much the next ones will grow by spring,

 but if my daughters feet don't stop growing so fast

 she'll have to wear the boxes. (really)

No sense saying,

act your age not your shoe size

 she is 11 and her current shoe is a woman's 11.

we were surprised to see such glittery-girly sneakers in her size 
believe it or not it was the only pair that fit her.
 Seeing as we have had to buy a new pair of sneakers every 5 weeks since August. 
We pretty much take what we can get at Target.


  1. Wow! Great camera and darling family! Looking forward to some fun pic's.

  2. Every 5 weeks?! Good Lord!

    Lovely flowers!

  3. I am amazed by the beauty of the flowers in your yard, AND the rate in which your daughter's feet grow. I remember really wishing my feet would at least be a size six so that most shoes would at least be made in my size.

  4. Wow! I feel for her. She sure is gorgeous though!! ANd your camera is great!!

  5. Great pictures - and gorgeous girls! Makes me wish mine were still small (only some days!).

  6. Beautuiful's so nice to see such colorful flowers this time of year! Living on the East Coast means there are no signs of flowers for sometime.

  7. What gorgeous flowers! Love the shoes Target always seems to have something for me ... LOL Glad she could get some cute shoes!

  8. Your photos are great! Keep it up! Cute kids:)

  9. Wow! Those really are great pictures! I'm glad she found some fun shoes in her size!

  10. Great shots! What camera did you buy?


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