
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas is really just around the corner

I wanted to wish you all a Merry Sitsmas!
If you want to know what that is keep reading.
I wonder if my head is going to stop spinning this week?
I am feeling a bit rushed, kids performances at school,
baking to get done for two events and we have a scheduled am all day power.
Sorry to all my clienets  that had to be rescheduled,
it's so cold out no one opted to leave with wet hair,
 the weather has been cold! I don't blame them.
Power outage?
What is that all about?
 Don't they know I can't work or bake or see without electricity!
These are just the things that came to the top of my head-there is so much more!
Hopefully I will have all the cookies baked the night before the power outage and then ice them on Thursday. Just found out we will be going to two parties this weekend and I wonder if there is anything nice to wear in my closet, no time to look. I'm just going to keep my fingers crossed.
I haven't even thought of Christmas cards yet and wonder if anyone will notice if we use this photo

well maybe they will,
 it's from last year
and now that I'm looking at it the kids have really grown!
Note to self find pretty Christmas decorations and have photo taken of us all together.
The reason I have to find the pretty scene is...yep you guessed it I haven't put our decorations up yet.
Lots to do, lots to do. Add that to the list!
I found a great blog today and want to wish everyone a  "Merry Sitsmas" and if you want to know what I am referring to just jump on over to their site and see what Sits is all about.
I heard there will be prizes!
If you stopped by from Sits, well my post don't usually have so much rambling going on there is usually something I made in the post, well... I did make a family :)


  1. Merry SITSmas! That's a lovely family you made. :) I'm really digging those goat cheese crescent rolls in yesterday's post! Yum!!

    Helping modest dressers fight the frump!

  2. Merry SITSmas! Those cupcakes look soooo good :-)

  3. You certainly did make a beautiful family!

    Merry SITSmas!

  4. Aww, what a great photo! Love that tree too. :)

    Merry SITSmas!!

  5. Merry SITSmas!! Goat cheese filled crescent rolls? Yum! I'm going to your facebook page because I'm looking for a hairstylist! (I always seem to get the same cut and I want something NEW?) Hope that is ok!!!

  6. Yum, cupcakes! Your family pic is beautiful! Merry SITSmas! :)

  7. I love cupcakes too! Have you heard about the Iron Cupcake Challenges? They are really fun:-)

    Merry SITSmas:-)

  8. Have a very Merry SITSmas!

  9. Merry Sits-Mas! I love to bake, well more eat the baked goods, I should say :). That's great that you are a talented cupcake baker. I live in the PHX area and there is this bakery that makes the most delicious strawberry cupcakes with this yummy strawberry frosting. Oh, I am drooling :)...Anyway, congrats on being featured on Cupcakes Take the Cake!


  10. thanks for stopping by during SITS-mas!merry Christmas!

  11. Oh man, people should NOT read your blog if they are hungry! Sorry I am late, but I am making my way through the entire SITSmas list, I want to visit everyone to wish everyone happy holidays! So Merry SITSmas!


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