
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Valentine Memories

Valentines Day
 always brings back memories of when I was young
 and all the projects I made in preparation for the 
I even saved my favorite book all these years!
Can you guess what year it was copyrighted.

since my kids are getting older, I wasn't even sure I still had it
I'm so glad I kept it!
I've always loved making little crafts and have made everyone in this book over and over again.


What a cute bag, wish I had a photos of some that I made :)

I love the jokes too

next up was one of the first recipes I recall making
and I was allowed to use the toaster oven!

 How many hearts can you find?

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Olive who?
Olive you.

That was my favorite!

and games 

Did you find all 11 hearts?

Lots of fun!
One of my favorite crafts was always making 
Valentine mailboxes
to fit all the Valentines in from class to carry home.
Shoe boxes were very popular and now it seems cereal boxes have taken over.
I made a quick cereal mailbox for all my love notes :)

 just cover a cereal box with paper          and decorate, I used 2 pieces of 12x12 scrap paper and decorated with cutouts from a previous project.

It was copyrighted 1976 
Did you get it right?


  1. We did Valentine mailboxes one year in grade school it was fun

  2. I love that you kept this book! But I have to admit - my mailbox was not nearly as good - How fun to see these again!

  3. Ah - Memories,memories,memories!

  4. Di, I still have that book too.

  5. What a cute book! No wonder you saved it:) I always loved making the Valentine mailbox(of some sort)in elementary school too! One year I was sick on V-day:( but was so happy when my friend brought all of my Valentines home for me!

  6. I love the idea of the cereal box. I really don't know anything! I am going to make one with my little boy. Thanks:)

  7. What a GREAT book!! I LOVE stuff like that!!


  8. I love the cupcake.
    My guess is the book was copyrighted in 1963.
    Hmm..Did I guess right?

  9. this is so cute! i've moved so many times in my life i have very little things from my childhood.

  10. LOL! I used to have this book! I wonder if it's still at my parent's house. I recenlty came accross my first cook book. I dated it (1976-oooh, I'm dating myself) and it brought back lovely memories just like this book. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Love the book! Such a cute valentines box too!


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