
Sunday, January 24, 2010

missing turkey?

Am I the only one missing Turkey?

Thanksgiving dinner that is.

Just looking at the plate makes we think I need to go and buy a turkey
 and prepare the feast all over again.

This is the dinner I made the week after Thanksgiving, as I was away the week of "Turkey Day" and
couldn't resist making it when I got back. I had turkey dinner on Thanksgiving but and it was delicious, but I like Thanksgiving leftovers :)

I'm hoping the store has a nice turkey,
 it would be nice to have a big turkey dinner over again.

Brussel Sprouts

I've linked my Brussel Sprouts up to a season of cooking click on the box above to check out other ways to cook the vegetable of the week "Brussel Sprouts"
I love Brussel Sprouts
I used to make them all the time by boiling them adding butter and breadcrumbs and Parmesan Cheese
I now cut them in 1/2 or 1/4 and place them  in a saute pan with a tablespoon of olive oil on high, stirring them while they brown a bit add salt and pepper cover with a lid for 2 minutes on medium and then serve them, they are bright green and taste delicious.

This time I'll try to remember to take a picture before I carve it :)

Pie sound good too.


  1. mmmm...yeah that does sound good!

  2. mmmm, pie!
    Your brussel sprouts look amazing!

  3. I was thinking the same thing - I love a turkey dinner - and all the fab leftovers! Why don't we do it more often? Yours looks so good!

  4. Hi! Just dropping in to say thanks for becoming a follower. I am returning the favor and glad to do so. Your blog looks like one I will truely love! ;) ~Lanie

  5. That looks really really good. Thanks for jumping the Follow Friday. I'm following you now.


  6. Ya know, the brussel sprouts are what giving me a shout-out. I can just imagine their smoky flavor with the turkey and a nice Chardonnay.

  7. Funny that you posted this. I was just thinking today that I should thaw the turkey in my freezer and have it on Sunday. Now I'm wanting pie with it!

  8. I have TONS of turkey in the freezer. This looks so good!


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