
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Fun in the snow

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

This was the first time our kids really played in the snow,
I'll wait until the shock wears off..
we moved from the East Coast over 8 years ago and
and... well... with all the wonderful weather we enjoy in Southern California
it never was at the top of our list of things to do,
but it made the top of the list this year!

Well to put it mildly...
 we had  a blast!

I forgot how much fun it was,
the bonus here is it really isn't cold.

The weather was perfect, high 50's not windy and we went tubing in the snow!

We even went skiing/snowboarding

We even had fun at the lake

 I had so much fun feeding the ducks,
I could have been there for hours!

no not just feeding one,
but feeding them all.

Really hard to believe it's so close to us,
 just over an hour away
and a twenty degree difference in temperature.


  1. Hey you were in my neck of the woods!!! Beautiful up there isn't it? We are taking the dogs to romp around next week!!

  2. Looks like you all had a blast, great pictures! Stopping in to welcome you to SITS, it's nice to meet you!

  3. I want snow!!!! send it my way!!

  4. Oh so much fun! California just sounds like the perfect state. An hour in any direction from where I live and I'm still in flat Texas.

    Stopping by via SiTS to welcome you to the gang!


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