
Sunday, December 20, 2009

A little surprise for a sweet someone

While I was doing my first  giveaway
 I decided to give away a second one as a surprise. When I plugged the numbers into the random generator, the number that came up belongs to the wonderful Katrina click on here name to see her great blog and take a look at that little cutie of hers Ewan,
 he is such a joy.
 Just take a look at how creative she is!

When I dropped in on her the other day to give her the little surprise.{the cupcake apron}  I had the opportunity to spend time with Ewan and he is such a really adorable boy you know the type they make you re-think when you said you were finished having more kids. He really melts your heart! But that is not going to happen, I'm so glad to think she will have more and I can get my fill that way. Oh and when her sisters start having babies, there will be cuteness all around.
Ewan has a wonderful personality and that leads me back to Katrina. 
She is so pretty, 
and just wait until you get a look at this... 

Katrina is on the left end, followed by her four equally gorgeous sisters 
and I can't leave out the fact she also has the kindest brother. 
I just can't say enough nice things about all of them.

 The girls started a really great blog The Argentine Gene just click on the name to see it.

 I come from a small family just my brother and I same with my husband and we have two kids (notice the pattern) well Katrina's family is so wonderful really each and every one of them, I just love that they have a large family it's so different from mine and I love how close they all are. 
{and let me just add that they are blessed with wonderful parents}
 The whole family has such great style.
 I hope they tell me when I'm completely out of date.

I'm happy to say she liked the apron and I'll have to come up with some to drop by soon with so I can enjoy another visit with her and Ewan.


  1. Too funny! We double blogged! You can drop by ANYTIME! Just come in your pjs next time, so we don't feel so underdressed. :)

  2. And thank you again for the apron! I had it on the minute you left. :) I just love it! xoxo

  3. You have a terrific Christmas!
    ps Please stop by my blog and leave a comment regarding "Do you still read the newspaper"?


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