
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Boxes for me and Christmas is still a week away

Don't you just love when you come across something and everything just looks fantastic!
Well that is how I feel every time I go over to
 Just click on the red link and you will see for yourself,
 but be sure to come back because I have more to tell you.

Great you're back. 

 I recently entered to win sticky gooey creamy chewy's fabulous giveaway, not only was it a chance to win a case of Pom Wonderful. Susan was adding Nigella Lawson's Christmas book.

To enter I was to tell her of a favorite Holiday recipe using pomegranates or pomegranate juice.
Immediately what came to mind was two years ago we got together with some friends and had a progressive dinner just before Christmas.(perfect size just two other couples)

I searched for the photos we took, too bad they were all before anyone else arrived.

My mom came over and took the kids out to dinner. 
I so clearly remember putting the white lights up on the ceiling and how twinkly they looked. 
I should do that again.

Back to the Margarita

I reminisced about the POM margaritas we had and how when we left my house we brought everything with us to make some more at the next stop. 
As I was typing my entry I thought I should not only share my story of a great Holiday memory, I should make some and show her. I quickly got in the car went to the store, it's nice that it's only a mile away. When I returned,  I started by taking apart the pomegranates themselves and they were huge.

 They even had the POM label on them.
 I had just learned form a sweet friend what exactly to do with them a few days before this. I did not have a clue before.
I decided to put some seeds in the drink and rub the rim of the glass with a seed then dip into red colored sugar....

What do you think,
too pretty to drink?
Of course not!
It was delicious.

  Did you know POM Wonderful is the only brand guaranteed to contain 100% authentic pomegranate juice.

Where am I going with this you ask...

To my surprise won!


The boxes arrived today.

top box from Pom Wonderful

and an extra surprise was included

(it really does feel like Christmas!)

How cute is this apron!

I am still giggling over it!

and here is Nigella's cookbook 

I can't wait to peek inside for some new recipes to make from it.

If you'd like my Pom Wonderful Pomegranate Margarita recipe you can find it here.

It's so nice to have found Susan ,I am still anticipating the day I try to make macaroons. She documented all the info quite well, so when I'm ready I'm going Here. She really has a wonderful blog with lots of ideas and recipes.

Thanks again Susan for hosting such a great giveaway! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy you won too, Diane! You are such a sweetie! Enjoy your loot and use it in health, happiness and prosperity.

    Happy Holidays to you and your family!


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