
Friday, December 10, 2010

Snowman Cupcakes

Christmas Cupcakes

The BEST part of winder is making a SNOWMAN.
You don't need mittens, boots and a jacket to create him
and you won't get cold either!

I started by making my favorite
Chocolate Cupcake Recipe with Buttercream Frosting. (click for printable recipes)
I dipped the top half of the cupcake into blue jimmies and piped on the hat trim with a star tip (on top there is a pom-pom it's hard to see)
He has m+m eyes, mini chocolate chips for his mouth and an orange starburst nose (roll starburst with powdered sugar so it doesn't stick to rolling pin, then cut a triangle shape with a knife)

Typically when you make a snowman,

he melts as the weather warms up.

Mine did not melt in the warmth...

My guy must have been friends with Humpty Dumpty :)

snowman cupcake

maybe he wanted to see if he could fly. Yes, it was a crash landing!